Lama Mobility

Fun and flexible option at port

Lama Mobility provides a convenient, cost-effective way for cruise line passengers to explore a wider variety of attractions, shopping, dining, and other activities. Passengers can quickly and easily go from ship to scooter, adding fun and flexibility to their day excursions. The scooter is the available to the passenger exclusively for the duration of the selected rental period. Unlike the typical ride share scooter rental, there is no need to be concerned about someone else taking their Lama scooter. Therefore, they can go shopping, stop for meals, tours, etc. without interruption. Providing a 34 mile range, the Lama scooter can go all day and be conveniently parked and secured to bicycle racks, street signs, fences, trees, etc., providing for quick, convenient stops and starts to make the most of their time at each port.

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A new revenue stream without any upfront costs

Lama Mobility provides all of the equipment needed for a successful operation. From the scooters themselves to the charging racks, marketing materials, installation and day to day operations, we extend our turn-key program without any costs. Just provide a 110v outlet, that’s all! Cruise facilities not only reap the benefits from the customer satisfaction but also share in the revenue derived from Lama scooter rentals.

No additional work for the cruise ship or port

Lama Mobility is a fully encompassing, turnkey solution. We will do all the heavy lifting – delivery and equipment setup, maintaining the equipment, supplying training and marketing materials, operating the software systems and offering end-user customer support in case of any questions or problems. Lama Mobility’s program is fully autonomous and does not require an assisted sale or additional personnel on the part of the ship or port operator. For the rider, it’s as easy as downloading the app, inputting basic information, and a scan of the QR code on the scooter to start their riding experience.

Find a Lama Where Your Cruise Ship Docks

Contact us for more information about Lama Mobility